Friday, July 22, 2011
Kisah (ketinggalan) bas
Bas itu
Pada satu pagi yang sejuk, pada musim sejuk, angin selatan aka southerlies (angin dari kutub selatan agaknya) bertiup, kadang-kadang kencang. Aku dan temanku menunggu bas selepas penat bekerja. Ingin mengejar waktu untuk ke uni kerana temanku kuliah, aku tutorial.
Dan ditetapkan Allah kami ketinggalan menaiki bas. Perasaan: sedih, tak terkata. tak tau nak cakap apa. Dlm hati ckp, Allah nak ajar something ni. Kelas akan bermula juga, tanpa ada aku.
Kami menunggu bas seterusnya, 30 minit. Beku. Tapi tidak terasa kerana kami berkongsi cerita. Kisah-kisah sahabat Rasulullah saw menjadi teman.
Bas tiba, naik dan duduk dalam bas, temanku menegur.
Teman: Kau dah muhasabah tak kenapa kau hampir tertinggal bas pagi tadi? (sebelum pergi kerja pun aku hampir ketinggalan bas)
Aku: x pulak
Teman: Aku rasa kan Allah nak ajar kita, tak perlu sedih kot dgn benda2 kecik mcm ni. Sekadar tinggal bas, banyak lagi perkara yg perlu kita tangiskan.
Aku: (Dlm hati: T__T) If ko x ada td, aku dah lama nangis dah. Serius. Hu hu.
47:31; Dan sesungguhnya, Kami benar-benar akn menguji kamu sehingga Kami mengetahui org yg benar-benar berjihad dan org yg bersabar di antara kamu; dan akan Kami uji perihal kamu.
Kuat insyaAllah. ;-)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
rumah kita
There was a major leaking inside our flat, especially in our bedroom. So, we have to move out Alhamdullillah, the sweet sisters of Wellington help us by giving us place to sleep for a few days. :-)
The sweet of ukhuwah. =)
Jazakillahkukhairan dear sisters. For the help and to other sisters too who kindly offer us to stay at their home.
Hadis 13 (as a reminder for me and u too.)
"Daripada Abu Hamzah Anas Bin Malik r.a. pembantu Rasulullah s.a.w. katanya ; Berkata Rasulullah s.a.w. : " Tidak beriman seseorang kamu sehinggalah dia mengasihi untuk saudaranya apa yang dia kasih untuk dirinya sendiri ".
The sweet of ukhuwah. =)
Jazakillahkukhairan dear sisters. For the help and to other sisters too who kindly offer us to stay at their home.
Hadis 13 (as a reminder for me and u too.)
"Daripada Abu Hamzah Anas Bin Malik r.a. pembantu Rasulullah s.a.w. katanya ; Berkata Rasulullah s.a.w. : " Tidak beriman seseorang kamu sehinggalah dia mengasihi untuk saudaranya apa yang dia kasih untuk dirinya sendiri ".
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Own reflection-menjadi manusia
Mendengar daripada seseorang tentang perbezaan manusia dengan haiwan.
Melihat kembali diri ini, tertanya-tanya adakah setiap hari aku hidup hanya untuk diri sendiri? Melihat pada perbuatan, majoriti masa sehari-hari memang peruntukkan untuk diri sendiri.
Hidup hanya untuk diri sendiri? Apa beza kita dengan haiwan jika hanya hidup untuk diri sendiri?
Bila seseorang itu hidup, bermanfaat untuk org lain, dia mula menjadi manusia.
1.Demi masa.
2.Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian.
3.Kecuali orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal soleh serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran.
Melihat kembali diri ini, tertanya-tanya adakah setiap hari aku hidup hanya untuk diri sendiri? Melihat pada perbuatan, majoriti masa sehari-hari memang peruntukkan untuk diri sendiri.
Hidup hanya untuk diri sendiri? Apa beza kita dengan haiwan jika hanya hidup untuk diri sendiri?
Bila seseorang itu hidup, bermanfaat untuk org lain, dia mula menjadi manusia.
1.Demi masa.
2.Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian.
3.Kecuali orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal soleh serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Earthquake at NZ
Salam, rasanya tak terlambat lagi nak ceritakan tentang gempa bumi yang melanda NZ tempoh hari. First time merasa kejadian gempa bumi di bumi Wellington ni. 22 Febuari 2011 gempa bumi yang besar di Christchurch. Aku baru menjejakkan kaki di Wellington dari Malaysia 21 Febuari 2011. Beberapa hari lepas tu, ada aftershock (gempa susulan) di Welly. Tahun 2010 juga berlaku gempa bumi di NZ tapi aku tak rasa sebab aku sedang tidur dengan lenanya.
Masa gempa di Welly tu, aku ingat lagi, aku dan housemate semua sedang makan malam bersama. Tiba-tiba ada gegaran kuat selama beberapa saat. Pintu rumah memang bergegar kuat, ingatkan ada orang yg tgh ketuk pintu, tak tau pun yg tu adalah gempa bumi. Bila tgk TV, baru sedar gempa bumi baru melanda bandar Wellington. Alhamdullillah, kami selamat. Bila pertama kali rasa gempa tu, kami satu rumah rasa takut nak tidur dlm bilik. Jadi kami serumah 4 org tidur di ruang tamu. Aku tak pamerkan sangat rasa takut sebab taknak housemate semua resah. Tapi, dalam hati, Allah je yang tahu.
Malam tu, memang rasa takut dan aku dan housemate yang lain baca apa yang patut. Waktu tu rasa kebergantungan kepada Allah tu sangat kuat. Bila susah, baru nak cari Allah. Reflek diri sendiri. Masa ni baru nk doa betul-betul. Masa ni la fikir macam-macam. Masa ni jugak fikir cukup ke bekalan aku untuk dunia akhirat nanti. Perasaan tu tak dapat nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Perasaan menghampiri kematian, walaupun kematian tu bila-bila boleh jadi.
Alhamdullillah aku masih bernafas lagi hari ni. Peluang untuk aku perbaiki diri masih ada. Malaysian Hall pun adakan solat hajat dan slot persediaan mengahadapi bencana. So, tahu jugak apa yang perlu dilakukan jika gempa bumi berlaku lagi. Dan tak lupa doa mohon perlindungan Allah dari AQ, surah Al-Baqarah ayat 284-286.
Dari Abu Mas'ud Al-Anshari r.a, katanya Rasulullah saw bersabda:"
Read more:
16 April 2011, gempa bumi berskala 5.3 berlaku lagi di Christchurch dan gempa bumi yang lebih kurang sama skalanya berlaku di 4 buah negara iaitu Taiwan, Jepun, NZ dan Australia. Makin kerap gempa bumi berlaku sekarang ni. Jadi, aku perlulah bersedia. InsyaAllah, semua selamat. :)
Nota tambahan: Sekarang cuti easter, sibuk ke sana sini mengisi hati. InsyaAllah, Allah permudahkan. :)
Salah satu bangunan yang mengalami kerosakan selepas
gempa bumi di Christchurch 2011
Masa gempa di Welly tu, aku ingat lagi, aku dan housemate semua sedang makan malam bersama. Tiba-tiba ada gegaran kuat selama beberapa saat. Pintu rumah memang bergegar kuat, ingatkan ada orang yg tgh ketuk pintu, tak tau pun yg tu adalah gempa bumi. Bila tgk TV, baru sedar gempa bumi baru melanda bandar Wellington. Alhamdullillah, kami selamat. Bila pertama kali rasa gempa tu, kami satu rumah rasa takut nak tidur dlm bilik. Jadi kami serumah 4 org tidur di ruang tamu. Aku tak pamerkan sangat rasa takut sebab taknak housemate semua resah. Tapi, dalam hati, Allah je yang tahu.
Malam tu, memang rasa takut dan aku dan housemate yang lain baca apa yang patut. Waktu tu rasa kebergantungan kepada Allah tu sangat kuat. Bila susah, baru nak cari Allah. Reflek diri sendiri. Masa ni baru nk doa betul-betul. Masa ni la fikir macam-macam. Masa ni jugak fikir cukup ke bekalan aku untuk dunia akhirat nanti. Perasaan tu tak dapat nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Perasaan menghampiri kematian, walaupun kematian tu bila-bila boleh jadi.
Alhamdullillah aku masih bernafas lagi hari ni. Peluang untuk aku perbaiki diri masih ada. Malaysian Hall pun adakan solat hajat dan slot persediaan mengahadapi bencana. So, tahu jugak apa yang perlu dilakukan jika gempa bumi berlaku lagi. Dan tak lupa doa mohon perlindungan Allah dari AQ, surah Al-Baqarah ayat 284-286.
Dari Abu Mas'ud Al-Anshari r.a, katanya Rasulullah saw bersabda:"
Siapa yang membaca kedua ayat itu, yakni dari akhir surah Al-Baqarah, niscaya keduanya akan memeliharanya dari bencana."(Riwayat Hadis Imam Muslim)
Read more:
16 April 2011, gempa bumi berskala 5.3 berlaku lagi di Christchurch dan gempa bumi yang lebih kurang sama skalanya berlaku di 4 buah negara iaitu Taiwan, Jepun, NZ dan Australia. Makin kerap gempa bumi berlaku sekarang ni. Jadi, aku perlulah bersedia. InsyaAllah, semua selamat. :)
Nota tambahan: Sekarang cuti easter, sibuk ke sana sini mengisi hati. InsyaAllah, Allah permudahkan. :)
gempa bumi di Christchurch 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Keseimbangan itu
Yang akhirat terlebih akhiratnya.
Yang dunia terlebih dunianya.
Sedangkan Islam, mengajar kita akan tawazun (keseimbangan) dalam kedua-duanya. Maka jadilah ummat Islam itu, satu ummat yang bukan bodoh, yang apabila ditekan-tekan jahiliyyah, lalu redha dan hanya tahu menyatakan: "Nanti di akhirat, Allah akan balas kamu" (from page hilal ...asyraf) -quote from FB friend, Munal
Berkali-kali mengingatkan diri bahawa dunia itu sangatlah sedikit nilainya berbanding akhirat yang kekal abadi. Tetapi aku manusia yang seringkali terlupa dan seringkali melebih-lebihkan dunia. Contohnya, seperti masa yang aku peruntukkan untuk membuat tugasan-tugasan universiti sangatlah banyak berbanding tugasan aku untuk akhirat nanti.Yang dunia terlebih dunianya.
Usaha perbaiki diri lagi. Iltizam itu penting. :)Saturday, February 19, 2011
Article I found on FB
Assalamualaikum W.B.T.
It's been almost 3 months since I last update anything in my blog. Time really flies fast enough. I will be going back to Wellington tomorrow and hopefully everything will be fine insyaAllah.
Before I go back, I want to share an article I found on the FB page (Muslims in New Zealand page) recently. It is about death that is very near to us. So, "happy" reading.
Seize the Day, Tomorrow is not Yours
Sumayyah bint Joan
Upon hearing about the death of a fellow Muslim, it suddenly struck me how
very fleeting life is, and that I was only a twinkling of an eye away from
where he is now.
Death is the reality from which none of us can escape. It draws nearer every
day, every hour, every minute. So I had to ask myself, if I were to die
today, would I have done all that I could to ensure Allah's Favor, and to
evade His Wrath? Unfortunately for me, the answer was a resounding NOOO.
At the end of the day, I ask myself, what good have I sent ahead for the
benefit of my soul? And again, the answers usually, very little. Time, it
seems, is moving by so quickly. It seems just like yesterday that we started
the "New Year," yet we're already almost a third of the way through it. A
month seems like a week, a week seems like an hour and an hour feels like
just minutes. This is why I've resolved to try my utmost, with the aid of
Allah to take advantage of every opportunity to do good deeds, and not to put
off until later, what I can do now. Death is coming, are you ready?
Allah says, "Every soul shall have a taste of death, and only on the Day of
Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only those who are saved
far from the Fire, and admitted to the Garden will have succeeded. For the
life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception." [3:185]
It is so easy for us to get caught up in the comings and goings of our
everyday lives, that we tend to forget that we don't have forever in this
worldly life, and get distracted away from our true aim and purpose. We tend
to forget that we are here to worship Allah and to avail ourselves of the
various opportunities He gives us to store up for ourselves treasures in
Heaven. For He, subhanahu wa taala, also says,
"O you who believe! Revere Allah, and let every person look to what he has
sent forth for the morrow; and revere Allah. Allah is well Aware of what you
do. And be not like those who forgot (disobeyed) Allah, and He caused them to
forget themselves. Those are the disobedient. Not equal are the dwellers of
the Fire and the dwellers of Jannah. It is the dwellers of Jannah who will be
successful." [59:18-20]
He also tells us that we do not know the hour of our own deaths, or in what
land we will die. But He through His unending Mercy toward us, has given us
ways to prepare for the inevitable now, because once we've passed from this
life to the next, there is no coming back to do the things we should have
done. For Allah says,
"Until death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, send me back. Perhaps I
may do good in that which I have left behind.' No, it is but a word that he
speaks, and behind them is a barzakh until the day when they are raised up."
Allah has given us ways to protect ourselves from the punishment of the
grave. One of these ways is by fighting in the Cause of Allah. It is reported
that a man asked the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, "O Messenger of
Allah, why are all the believers tested in the graves except a martyr?" He,
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The flashing of swords over his head was
a sufficient test for him." (An-Nasai)
This may be difficult for most of us to do in this day and age, but Allah has
provided us with many other ways to earn ease in the next life. These include
reciting Surat ul-Mulk, because the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam,
said, "Surat Tabarak is the protector from the torment of the grave."
(Al-Hakim) He, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, also said, "When a human being
dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing
sadaqh, a knowledge of Islam from which others benefit, and a righteous child
who makes du'a for him." (Muslim)
Another way to earn a continuing reward is by reviving a lost Sunnah of the
Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. He, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said,
"He who initiates in Islam a good way gets his reward for it, as well as
rewards similar to those who follow him into it, without reducing any of
their rewards." (Muslim) For those of us who know of fellow Muslims who have
already begun their journey, or who are about to enter, into the next life,
there are things we can do to make the transition easier, insha'Allah. These
include performing the Janazah prayer for the deceased, fulfilling the
deceased's vows, payment of the deceased's debts and the supplications of the
This life is fleeting. Death is coming. Let us get ready.
It's been almost 3 months since I last update anything in my blog. Time really flies fast enough. I will be going back to Wellington tomorrow and hopefully everything will be fine insyaAllah.
Before I go back, I want to share an article I found on the FB page (Muslims in New Zealand page) recently. It is about death that is very near to us. So, "happy" reading.
Seize the Day, Tomorrow is not Yours
Sumayyah bint Joan
Upon hearing about the death of a fellow Muslim, it suddenly struck me how
very fleeting life is, and that I was only a twinkling of an eye away from
where he is now.
Death is the reality from which none of us can escape. It draws nearer every
day, every hour, every minute. So I had to ask myself, if I were to die
today, would I have done all that I could to ensure Allah's Favor, and to
evade His Wrath? Unfortunately for me, the answer was a resounding NOOO.
At the end of the day, I ask myself, what good have I sent ahead for the
benefit of my soul? And again, the answers usually, very little. Time, it
seems, is moving by so quickly. It seems just like yesterday that we started
the "New Year," yet we're already almost a third of the way through it. A
month seems like a week, a week seems like an hour and an hour feels like
just minutes. This is why I've resolved to try my utmost, with the aid of
Allah to take advantage of every opportunity to do good deeds, and not to put
off until later, what I can do now. Death is coming, are you ready?
Allah says, "Every soul shall have a taste of death, and only on the Day of
Judgement shall you be paid your full recompense. Only those who are saved
far from the Fire, and admitted to the Garden will have succeeded. For the
life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception." [3:185]
It is so easy for us to get caught up in the comings and goings of our
everyday lives, that we tend to forget that we don't have forever in this
worldly life, and get distracted away from our true aim and purpose. We tend
to forget that we are here to worship Allah and to avail ourselves of the
various opportunities He gives us to store up for ourselves treasures in
Heaven. For He, subhanahu wa taala, also says,
"O you who believe! Revere Allah, and let every person look to what he has
sent forth for the morrow; and revere Allah. Allah is well Aware of what you
do. And be not like those who forgot (disobeyed) Allah, and He caused them to
forget themselves. Those are the disobedient. Not equal are the dwellers of
the Fire and the dwellers of Jannah. It is the dwellers of Jannah who will be
successful." [59:18-20]
He also tells us that we do not know the hour of our own deaths, or in what
land we will die. But He through His unending Mercy toward us, has given us
ways to prepare for the inevitable now, because once we've passed from this
life to the next, there is no coming back to do the things we should have
done. For Allah says,
"Until death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, send me back. Perhaps I
may do good in that which I have left behind.' No, it is but a word that he
speaks, and behind them is a barzakh until the day when they are raised up."
Allah has given us ways to protect ourselves from the punishment of the
grave. One of these ways is by fighting in the Cause of Allah. It is reported
that a man asked the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, "O Messenger of
Allah, why are all the believers tested in the graves except a martyr?" He,
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The flashing of swords over his head was
a sufficient test for him." (An-Nasai)
This may be difficult for most of us to do in this day and age, but Allah has
provided us with many other ways to earn ease in the next life. These include
reciting Surat ul-Mulk, because the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam,
said, "Surat Tabarak is the protector from the torment of the grave."
(Al-Hakim) He, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, also said, "When a human being
dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing
sadaqh, a knowledge of Islam from which others benefit, and a righteous child
who makes du'a for him." (Muslim)
Another way to earn a continuing reward is by reviving a lost Sunnah of the
Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. He, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said,
"He who initiates in Islam a good way gets his reward for it, as well as
rewards similar to those who follow him into it, without reducing any of
their rewards." (Muslim) For those of us who know of fellow Muslims who have
already begun their journey, or who are about to enter, into the next life,
there are things we can do to make the transition easier, insha'Allah. These
include performing the Janazah prayer for the deceased, fulfilling the
deceased's vows, payment of the deceased's debts and the supplications of the
This life is fleeting. Death is coming. Let us get ready.
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